One key benefit of CoLRiC membership is the eligibility to submit nominations for our two prestigious, high profile national Awards: The CoLRiC Jeff Cooper Inspirational Information Professional of the Year Award and the CoLRiC Innovative Practice Award (CIPA).
The Jeff Cooper Inspirational Information Professional of the Year Award is named in honour of CoLRiC’s founder and presented to an individual who has demonstrated a commitment to change lives and empower students. The CoLRiC Innovative Practice Award (CIPA) is for teams that can demonstrate creativity, resourcefulness and enterprise in Library and Learning Resource Services in any capacity.
Why not make it one of your new year’s resolutions to begin to prepare an application or nomination for our 2022 awards in readiness for our official call later in spring? Applications are reviewed by a judging panel comprising sector experts and members of CoLRiC’s Executive Committee. The awards submission process will provide you with a great opportunity to reflect on the value and impact of your service and its contribution to teaching, learning and the student experience.
In 2021 we were looking for inspiring and creative contributions and innovative responses to the lockdown, and we ended the year on a celebratory high note, when engraved glass award trophies and certificates were formally presented to the winners in December before breaking for Christmas